ANAP a publicat recent pe site-ul instituției Ghidul privind gestionarea de către autoritățile/entitățile contractante a solicitărilor de clarificări și a răspunsurilor asociate acestora în cadrul procedurilor de atribuire. Documentul poate fi consultat aici si persoanele interesate pot formula observații pana pe data de 15.05.2020. ÎNDRUMĂRI PRIVIND TRATAMENTUL EGAL ȘI TRANSPARENȚA ÎN RĂSPUNSURILE FORMULATE LA SOLICITĂRILE […]
- mai 1, 2020
Consultați cel mai recent articol al Co-Managerului nostru Roxana Vornicu: BIM ȘI DREPTUL ACHIZIȚIILOR PUBLICE. PRIETENI SAU DUȘMANI?
Find out more on: how important is it for us to know what BIM is all about? leading examples from the Spain, Italy, UK (and plenty of work to be done in Romania) thoughts for the future on BIM & public procurement.
- martie 1, 2020
Raportul la care Co-Managerul nostru Roxana Vornicu a contribuit, privind sustenabilitatea prin achiziții publice, a fost publicat.
The report on which our Co-Managing Partner Roxana Vornicu is a contributor on sustainability through public procurement is out. More on #BIM and sustainable procurement from Roxana inside the report available for download below.
- februarie 24, 2020
Modificări importante aduse legislației privind achizițiile publice prin Ordonanța de Urgență a Guvernului nr. 23/2020
Among the new rules we name : – improvements in extension of the term to formulate appeals. – changes with regards to the bond, now only required for claims in front of CNSC, but no longer required for the claims introduced in front of the common courts for which a stamp duty has been […]
- ianuarie 28, 2020
Power Lunch despre cele 5 chei ale succesului în licitațiile publice din România
Such a pleasure for our law firm to host the Power Lunch on 5 keys to success in public tenders in Romania at BEROCC the Belgian Chamber of Commerce this week! Thank you again to all the participants and to Alain Schodts for his exceptional organization!
- ianuarie 22, 2020
Ultimele perspective de la Co-Managerul nostru Roxana Vornicu despre cadrul cel mai valoros pentru lucrările de construcție
On January the 21st, the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) launched the £30 billion FAC-1 framework alliance for construction works and associated services (the most valuable framework in the UK[1]). In presentations organized by CCS and attended by clients and contractors, CCS described the main aspects of this 7 year collaborative alliance. The alliance is based on […]
- ianuarie 15, 2020
Cum abordează Regatul Unit și Franța recuperarea daunelor pentru deciziile de achiziție ilegale? Roxana Vornicu revizitează problema în contextul Saga Fosen-Linjen
This article examines the criteria for the recovery of damages for illegal procurement decisions in the UK and France. The focal point of this analysis is the gravity threshold of the breach. There is a clear difference in approach in these two jurisdictions: whilst a simple breach of law is sufficient to trigger liability […]
- ianuarie 9, 2020
Roxana Vornicu a scris despre daunele în achizițiile publice, articolul său fiind recent publicat în European Public Law Journal.
Happy to share with you that another piece our Co-Managing Partner Roxana Vornicu wrote on public procurement damages which has just been published in the European Public Law Journal, The Sufficiently Serious Breach Test in Action. Damages in procurement Law and a Take o Three Courts: the CJEU, the UK Supreme Court and […]
- ianuarie 2, 2020
Receptia de Anul Nou BEROCC la Ambasada Belgiei din București
Thank you to the Embassy and to Alain Schodts for the invitation to the BEROCC New Year Reception at the Belgium Embassy in Bucharest! Looking forward to our Power Lunch with @BEROCC on Public Procurement next week!